Building Livability in New Gloucester

News from Age-Friendly New Gloucester!

GNG Community Connections

An initiative funded by the Governor's Cabinet on Aging to support Lifelong Maine’s Age-Friendly Communities, increasing connection to critical programs, resources and social opportunities that can help older people thrive in their homes and communities. Read more here.

APPLY NOW: NEW POSITION TO CONNECT PEOPLE IN GRAY AND NEW GLOUCESTER TO COMMUNITY RESOURCES. A one-year part-time volunteer position with stipend of $20,000,. Contact:

Julie Fralich, GNG Community Connections Coordinator

Volunteer Transportation Program

Serving New Gloucester Residents

Accepting new Riders and Volunteer Drivers. Please join us!

Casco Bay Trail

Learn all about the proposed 72-mile Casco Bay Trail and explore the new interactive map here.

Age-Friendly New Gloucester

Maine AARP welcomes New Gloucester as the 90th Maine Community to join the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities! Read about the AARP Age-Friendly resources now available to New Gloucester here.

The Wednesday Walkers

The Wednesday Walkers enjoy exploring local trails and walking areas.  We meet at 10 am every Wednesday at different locations in the New Gloucester and Gray vicinity.  The New Gloucester Exchange publishes the location of the weekly walks on its calendar on Mondays.  It’s a friendly group and walking safety is our priority.  Feel free to join us.