Building Livability in New Gloucester


BLING is a group of community volunteers who came together to help New Gloucester become an Age-Friendly Livable Community as described in our town’s 2021 Comprehensive Plan.

Since 2022, we have:

  • Studied the AARP Age-Friendly Network framework

  • Conducted a community assessment and listening session

  • Developed action plans

  • Joined Lifelong Maine

  • Launched projects and programs, small and large

The BLING Vision

That New Gloucester become a Livable Community where people of all ages can live safely and comfortably, socialize with neighbors, enjoy recreational activities, get around easily and safely, be engaged in civic life, and make the town their lifelong home.

2024 Priority Areas


  • Identify existing home repair and assistance services

  • Improve access to local home repair and assistance services

  • Support expansion of suitable housing for older adults

Getting Around

  • Launch a Volunteer Transportation Program

  • Implement traffic calming techniques

  • Improve residents‘ ability to access recreation areas and trails


  • Inform the public of age-friendly priorities and activities

  • Create an age-friendly resource directory

  • Coordinate with other community groups

BLING is a member of the Lifelong Maine Network.

“Across Maine, grassroots Lifelong Communities, formal members of the AARP Network, and others following a similar path, are leveraging local assets to build community capacity addressing challenges such as accessible spaces, access to technology, food security, home repair, transportation, and social connections.”

Leaders of Lifelong community groups share best practices, challenges and resources in monthly networking phone calls. With support from the UMaine Center on Aging, we learn about funding opportunities, organizational strategies, innovative projects, upcoming events and more.

Communities that are on the path to enrolling in the AARP Age-Friendly Network, benefit from the resources and support provided by their peers and staff at UMaine.

Check out their website to see all the great things happening in Maine. We are all building from the ground up to make Maine a place where people of all ages will thrive.

New Gloucester is a member of the AARP Age-Friendly network.

The AARP Age-Friendly Network is a larger world-wide initiative where enrolled communities “share the belief that places are more livable and better able to support people of all ages when local leaders commit to improving the quality of life for the very young, the very old and everyone in between.”

“AARP engages elected officials, partner organizations and local leaders to guide communities through the age-friendly network’s assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation process.” Once enrolled in the AARP Age-Friendly Network, communities are officially designated an AARP Age-Friendly Lifelong Community and have further access to funding and other resources.

Check out the AARP Livable Communities website to join their newsletter, review their extensive library of age-friendly publications and learn about the upcoming Community Challenge Grant opportunities.